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Madrasatul Qaim Misali azadari lecture1 -
part 2 |
All Maraje support
Azadari & consider it to be a corner stone of
True Islam.
Some anti-Islam ,internal & external
forces present the Fatawa (verdicts) & opinions
of Maraje Uzzam with distortion & tempering
which is a severe deeni, literary & moral breach
of trust.
Azadari by Maraje pics |
1 -
Ayatullah Al Uzma Haaj Syed Abul Qasim Moosavi
Al Khoie "performing azadari-e-Imam
Hussein (AS) is a part & portion of His (AS)
mission because declaring the zulm (oppression)
of zalim (oppressor) & mazloomiyat of mazloom
(oppressed) is exactly the Deen." |
2 -
Ayatullah Al Uzma Roohullah Khomeinis'
will "life of nation lies in Azadari. Hazrat
Imam Hussein (AS) granted salvation to Islam, &
protected its eminence from being trampled by
kissing martyrdom. So holding majalis-e-aza to
commemorate Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS)'s martyrdom
is a source of everlastingness & immortality of
Islam. Those who oppose these majalis, oppose
Islam. They are totally unaware of Islam's
reality. It is Azadari-e-Syed-ush-Shuhada (AS),
which has given protection to Islam till today.
Seena zani (beating chest), nohay, lamentation &
cries are the very secrets of our success." ...
"Those who object
to Azadari do not know that when one weeps for
Imam Hussein (as) ,he pledges to keep the
mission alive. Our Youth have been told that you
are a nation of weepers , those who tell them
this are in fact very much frightened by our
tears. The tears roll down our cheeks for the
oppressed & suppressed , each droplet being a
challenge to the tyrant. We must keep this up ,
for this is one of the signs of faith. Let no
one in the name of modern thinking &
intellectualism deceive you into believing that
weeping & mourning over the tragedy of Kerbala
is useless. "- Will of Ayatollah Khomeini (is) |
3 -
Ustad-Ul-Fuqaha Wal Mujtahiddeen Ayatullah Al
Uzma Muhammad Hussein Al Gharvi An Na'eni,
former chancellor Hoza-e-Ilmiya, Najaf-e-Ashraf,
Iraq People of Basra asked Ustaad ul
Fuqaha Ayatullah Al Uzma Muhammad Hussein Na'ini
many questions about Sha'a'ir-e-Azadari. The
most important question of those was concerning
zanjeer zani & quma zani. Ayatullah Na'ini first
explained the greatness & importance of Azadari
in these words:
"The coming out of Azadari processions on roads
& paths in Ashra-e-Aashoor (ten days) & on other
similar occasions is from among those amoor, in
the legality of which there is no doubt. Rather
this is the most evident source & most prominent
inclination from among the mazahir of
Azadari-e-Mazloom. It is the easiest way for the
promotion of Imam Hussain's mission & Deen's
Afterwards he answered the query about Quma zani
& zanjeer zani, which is as under:
"(To commemorate Hazrat Imam Hussein A.S.) There
is no ambiguity in slapping the face & beating
the chest to this extent that they (face &
chest) become red or black but also to perform
zanjeer zani on the shoulders & back is legal.
But if the blood appears or comes out due to
slapping & beating, it's also lawful & right. As
far as taking the blood out from forehead with
swords etc is concerned, its legality is aqwa
with the condition of being saved from harm &
just to take the blood out from forehead with
out causing harm to bone that is not harmful
habitually. Because those who know how to use
these (zanjeer, quma & sword) use it in such a
manner which doesn't cause harm to the bone. If
at the time of taking the blood out he is sure
of being safe from harm & by chance gets harm
then it will be like that person who performs
ablution or takes bath instead of performing dry
ablution (tayammam) for he thinks that water
will not harmful for him or a person who keeps
fast considering himself healthy & that keeping
fast will not harm him, but afterwards water or
fast appears to be harmful for him, this will
not be Haraam. As a precautionary measure, only
those perform it who could. & those, who being
subdued with the love & grief of
Ghareeb-e-Karbala could not know that where the
zanjeer & sword is hitting, should avoid. [b May
Allah give them firmness with goal issaabit in
this world & the hereafter."
4 -
Ayatullah Abdullah Majeed Faqeehi Barojurdi
All marasim-e-aza are from among the sha'a'ir
Allah (signs of Allah). & to respect sha'a'ir
Allah is piety."
5 -
Ayatullah Syed Muhammad Ali Kazmaini Barojurdi
"Marasim-e-Aza (azadari rites) are not only
mustahab (desirable) rather they are
obligatory." |
6 -
Ayatullah Al Musleh Al Sheikh Muhammad Hussein
Aal Kashif Ul Ghita "By God, azadari is
the gate of ample blessings of Allah, & the boat
of salvation (kashti-e-najat) which protects
from every destruction & trouble. Who is he &
what sort of power is that, which could shut
this open gate of Divine blessings & intercept
this great mean & source, which leads towards
7 -
Ayatullah Al Uzma Syed Mohsin Tabatabae Hakeem
"performing azadari is a source of connection
with the Guides of deen, of verdure & fertility
of emaan, elevation & magnificence of deen &
expression of Sha'a'ir-e-Deen (signs of
religion). If these amoor-e-azadari (majalis-e-aza,
mourning, azadari processions, matam, etc) are not to be performed,
irreligiousness would get popularization".
8 -
Ayatullah Al Uzma Gulpaigani "Due to the
blessings of Azadari, people get awareness of
their rights. It is a source, by dint of which
mission of Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS) & the aim of
Risaalat (prophet hood) is being revived. In
fact Azadari is Deen (religion). The pure &
sinless Aaimmah (AS) had said: "perform
Azadari-e-Imam Hussein (AS) to stand against
tyranny & despotism". This is Azadari which gave
birth to the biggest revolutions, shaked the
basis of palaces of tyranny of Umayyad rule,
redressed the grievance of oppressed & rooted
out the oppressor."
9 -
Ayatullah Al Uzma Mamqani "These are the
rites of Azadari, by virtue of which thousands
of misled have become righteous." |
10 -
Ayatullah Al Uzma Haaj Syed Mohammad Haadi
Meelani " Azadari & its rites only are
the most important means of promotion & thrive
ness of deen. Which one is that pen which could
duly & properly write down the supremacy,
praise, virtues & the effects of His (AS) qayaam?
Khandaan-e-Ismat-o- Taharat is a divine sign
from among the divine signs & Imam Hussein (AS)
is the mazloom son of that mazloom father that
no one is there to take their qisas but Allah."
11 -
Ayatullah Al Uzma Syed Abdullah Sherazi
" Rites of Azadari of Ahle-Bayt-e-Ismat- o-Taharat
(AS) are from among the most important
sha'air-e-deeniya (signs of deen) & are the
excellent & most prominent deeds which will
provide ground for more & more reward in Akhira
(the hereafter). These lead the whole Muslim
nation in general & shia nation in particular
towards the achievement of great success &
creation of revolutions." |
12 -
Ayatullah Al Haaj Syed Abdul Aala Sabzwari
" The respect, promotion & eternity of
sha'air-e-Hussainiyat (Hussaini signs) is from
among the most powerful & important means of
liberation because Rites of Azadari are from
sha'air Allah (signs of Allah)"
13 -
Ayatullah Syed Mirza Al Khurasaani Al Ha'eri
"Performing Azadari-e-Imam Hussein (AS)----all
of this is from the desired sources of nearness
to Allah, a great success & eternal reward in
this world & the hereafter, & whatever has been
said or written against it, it is nothing but
venom spitting of Ummayad & enmity of marvanis.
Revival of sha'air's (signs) respect is the
promotion of Islam, preservation of Islamic
signs & manifestation of Islamic lights." |
14 -
Ayatullah Syed Muhammad Jawad Tabatabai Tabrezi
"Azadari Rites of Hazrat Imam Hussein Ibn-e-Ali
(AS) in whatever manner they are, all are the
more effective means for Islam's greatness,
magnificence & protection. For that very reason
enemies of Islam are making ambush but they are
not able to snatch this great dawat (invitation)
from the people."
15 -
Ayatullah Al Uzma Muhammad Bin Al Mehdi Hussaini
Sherazi "Azadari of Imam Hussein (AS) is
the very base of our religion & we want to
protect Islam through it. Azadari rites are the
sources of salvation for weak & helpless people
from tyrant rulers. In whatever manner,
sha'air-e-Hussaini are, they are superior &
source of sawaab (reward)" |
16 -
Ayatullah Ali Al Hussein Al Asfahani Al Faani
"We consider matam & sha'air-e- Hussainia the
nearest means for nearness to Allah Almighty &
reaching towards Rasool (peace of Allah be upon
him & his progeny) & Aaimmah Huda (AS) because
through it mission of these sinless guides get
revived. Thrive ness of divine message &
promotion of Ahkaam-e-sharia is the fruit of
performing Sha'air-e-Hussaini. It creates unity
& harmony in the ranks. I consider these sha'air
a reply to istaghasa-e-Imam-e- Mazloom (AS)"
17 -
Ayatullah Al-Uzma Aqae Al Haaj Syed Muhammad
Sadiq Roohaani "Azadari is an effective
weapon against oppression. Azadari processions
are a source from among the Hussaini sources & a
gate from among the gates of Heaven (Jannat).
Qayaam of Syed-ush-shuhada (AS) & His sacred
sacrifices happened to be the source of
religion's revival after its destruction .if it
was not being done then their would be nothing
remained of Islam but its name & of Quran but
just a written thing." |
18 -
Ayatullah Sheikh Muhammad Raza Tibsi Nahfi ll
rites of azadari are religious signs (sha'a'ir),
& to respect sha'a'ir Allah is a sign of piety
of hearts."
19 -
Ayatullah Syed Muhammad Waheedi Tabrezi
"It should not be hidden that in praising Hazrat
Imam Hussein (AS), describing the factors of His
Qayaam (coming out), lamenting over His (AS)
sufferings, & in holding majalis such a great
reward lies that the tongue & pen are unable to
describe it. To respect the Azadari rites is a
religious want & a source of reward. Weak &
helpless of the world could be get freed by
virtue of these azadari rites." |
20 -
Ayatullah Al Uzma Sheikh Muhammad Hussein Gharvi
Asfahani "Why these Azadari rites would
not be the source of reward, hence just
Azadari-e- Mazloom-e-Karbala (AS) & its rites
have been the only & only source of unity of the
nation, propagation of religion & promotion of
Kalma-e-Haq in the past, present & will be in
21 -
Ayatullah Hasan Qummi Tabatabae "Majalis-e-Azadari
are the only source which gathers the people on
a platform & make them aware of religious
teachings." |
22 -
Ayatullah Al Uzma Syed Asad Ullah Moosavi
Dazfoli "Azadari rites cause honour,
dignity & respect. They are national sign & from
among those important Sha'a'ir, Aaimmah (AS) had
again & again advised for. Mission-e-Masumeen
(AS) is alive due to these azadari rites, &
lesson of qayaam-e- haq against Baatil lies in
it. In fact maraasim-e-aza (azadari rites) is
Maktab-e- hle Bayt (AS)."
23 -
Ayatullah Aaqae Raza Madni Kashani "The
topmost objective of Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS)
was the protection & prosperity of Islam. So
performing Azadari is from among the most
important wajibaat."
24 -
Ayatullah Hashim Aamli "Azadari rites &
description of sufferings of Hazrat Imam Hussein
(AS) has an effective role & contribution in the
existence of Islam in general, & of
Mazhab-e-Haqqa Isna Ashari, in particular."
25 -
Ayatullah Sheikh Murtaza Mutahheri
"Azadari rites (majalis-e-aza, mourning, azadari
processions, matam, etc)
are a basic movement & a collective
Elaan-e-Jehad. A single tear being flown in
commemoration of Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS)'s
martyrdom, is also a Jehad (holy war)." |
26 -
Ayatullah Al Uzma Al Sheikh Muhammad Ali Iraqi
"The most important result which is being
obtained from Azadari is that: the listener
feels that the blood which was caused to shed
wrongfully, was the most sacred blood, & Ahle
Bayte Ismat-o- Taharat (AS) were those holiest
persons who were chained."
27 -
Ayatullah Syed Karamat Ullah Hussaini
"Enemies of Islam also are aware of the
advantage of azadari rites & majalis-e-aza. For
the development of an Elevated Goal, the
elimination of Imperialism, the eradication of
satanic powers & the establishment of Universal
Islamic Rule, the protection of Azadari is very
much necessary." |
28 -
Ayatullah Al Uzma Aaqae Syed Shahab Ud Din
Mar'ashi "Qayaam of Hazrat Imam Hussein
(AS) is the Divine Qayaam. Ummat had crossed the
limits of oppression & cruelties over Him (AS).
So amoor-e-azadari (holding majalis, description
of sufferings of Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS),
beating chest, zanjeer zani, quma zani etc)
should be performed as in the past. Rather to
perform these amoor in the present day world is
from among the zarooriyaat-e-deeniya & a source
of enhancement in reward."
29 -
Ayatullah Syed Murtaza Pasandeeda Khomenie
"To observe the azadari days of Aaimmah-e-Ahle
Bayt (AS) is compulsory & obligatory, & to leave
them out is against the masaleh of ummah."
30 -
Ayatullah Syed Kazim Mar'ashi
"Arrangements of azadari rites, which is a
source of success & blessings in this world &
the hereafter is obligatory."
31 -
Ayatullah Sheikh Ali Ghazi Shahroodi "Azadari-e-Ghareeb-e-Karbala
(AS) is a worship from among the divine
worships. Munkar of azadari & its rites is in
fact a munkar of zaroorat-e-mazhabi (religious
32 -
Ayatullah Murtaza Askari "To perform
marasim-e-aza is a source of sawab (reward) &
all rites of azadari are the promotion of
sha'a'ir-e-deeniya (religious signs)."
33 -
Ayatullah Syed Taqi Tabatabai Qummi "By
virtue of performing azadari, reward & Allah's
pleasure is being achieved. Azadari rites are
sha'a'ir-e-deeniya & Maktab-e-Syed-Ul-Mursaleen
(peace of Allah be upon Him & His Aal)." |
34 -
Ayatullah Syed Mehdi Mar'ashi "Azadari
of Syed-e-Konain (lord of two worlds) is a kind
of angelic lights. It has been, & will remain a
source of integrity of shia school of thought,
development of deen-e-mubeen, promotion of
commands of Khatim ul Anbia (peace of Allah be
upon him & his progeny), propagation of
mazhab-e-jafariya in the Islamic world,
establishment of justice & equity, opposition of
tyranny & oppression, & annihilation of
35 -
Ayatullah Nasir Makaram Sherazi "Azadari
of pashwa'e Hurriyyat (guide of freedom),
Salaar-e-Qafla (leader of the caravan),
Talib-e-Shahadat (desirous of martyrdom) Hazrat
Imam Hussein (AS) & his companions who
sacrificed each & every thing in the battle of
Haq & Baatil in Karbala & preferred the red
death of martyrdom than the black & dark life of
disgrace, is a duty from among the duties of
muslim ummah." |
36 -
Ayatullah Al Uzma Syed Muhammad Raza Barojurdi
"Azadari with all its kinds, is a source of
development of sacred deen, Islam .The people
who do not give importance to Azadari-e-Imam
Hussein (AS) & Ahle- Bayt(AS) ,their Emaan
(faith/belief) is declining."
37 -
Ayatullah Syed Muhammad Mehdi Moosavi Khalkhali
"Performing the rites of Azadari is the respect
of sha'air Allah & revival of Aaimmah Ahle Bayt
(AS)'s sacred mission. To commemorate Aaimmah
Ahle Bayt (AS) whether it is under the title of
Azadari or lamentation, is the life of religion
& hatred to oppression .The effects of
majalis-e-aza in the existence of Islam are
evident till today." |
38 -
Ayatullah Aaqa'e Haaj Sheikh Jawad Tabrezi
"Azadari of Aal-e-Muhammad (progeny of Hazrat
Muhammad PBUH & His Aal) is from among the
mustahab aamal (desirable deeds). These are the
best means to promote Islam & to give public,
awareness with the facts & realities of Islamic
39 -
Ayatullah Syed Hassan Moosavi Khadmi Asfahani,
Principal Hoza-e-Ilmiya, Asfahaan "Azadari of
Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS) is the most important
of sha'a'ir-e-deeniya. Wonderful reward has been
promised for azadari because shahadat-e-Imam
mazloom (AS) is a maktab-e-fikr & a lesson."
40 -
Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslemeen Syed Murtaza Feroze
Abadi "Whoever raise a question or argue
about istehbaab of azadari-e-Imam Hussein (AS)
in the present day world, do it understand that
there's something wrong with his deen, lineage &
nobility or he has lost his head & gone mad."
41 -
Ayatullah Muhammad Fazil, Hoza-e- Ilmiya, Qumm
"All azadari rites are the protectors of sacred
qayaam of Imam-e-Mazloom (AS). The first & last
objective of Imam Hussein (AS)'s qayaam (coming
out) was only the revival of Islam .as just as
the foundation of Islamic revolution of Iran is
under obligation to azadari rites, in the same
manner the development & promotion of this
revolution will be achieved through azadari &
rites of azadari." |
42 -
Ayatullah Jafer Subhani Tabrezi, Qumm Al
Muqaddisa "Azadari-e-Imam Hussein (AS)
is one of those Islamic mustahabbat, which have
been emphasized by our guides & leaders of
religion. Rites of azadari are the protector of
the goal of Imam-e-mazloom (AS), the goal which
is the creator of revolutions."
43 -
Ayatullah Muhammad Karmi "Marasim-e-Azadari,
being performed in connection with the great
sacrifices of Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS), are
sha'a'ir Allah & obligatory in every period & at
every place. Publicizing the mazloomiyat-e- Imam
(AS) to this extent that Arsh-e- Iqtadaar
(throne) of disobedient & headstrong be shaken &
trembled, is extremely necessary." |
44 -
Ayatullah Muslim Malkooti Saraabi
"Azadari of Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS) which is
one of great sha'a'ir-e-mazhabia, has become a
particular sign of Mazhab-e- Haqqa. It would not
be improper & wrong to say that the existence of
shia maslak without any change & modification up
till now, & the protection of Usool & Faru, are
under obligation to these Marasim-e-Aza (azadari
rites) & Azadari-e-Ghareeb-e- Karbala (AS)."
45 -
Ayatullah Hussein Noori, Qumm Al Muqaddisa
"Azadari rites are commendable & praiseworthy
rather a source of reward. It is necessary for
the whole Muslim ummah not only to observe this
bloody incident of Aashoor every year but
refresh it every moment so that the weak & have
nots of this Maktab-e-Fikr be embraced with the
freedom of fikr-o-amal (thinking & deed)."
46 -
Ayatullah Murtaza Ha'eri Yazdi
"Lamentation over Ghareeb-e-Karbala (AS) is from
zarooriyaat-e-mazhab (requisites of deen)."
47 -
Ayatullah Mustafa Etamaadi "Azadari of
Syed-ush-Shuhada (AS) is a true path & divine
fountainhead of bounty. Its legality is quite
clear, evident & unambiguous in any form &
condition. Protection of this heavenly reality
is obligatory."
48 -
Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Jaffery Tabrezi
"Azadari & Marasim-e-Azadari is a voice of
expression of hearty feelings. Hussaini days
have been the jhoomar (beauty) of history's
forehead in the name of defending the honour of
49 -
Ayatullah Syed Mehdi Lajwardi "Those who
taunt Azadari-e-Imam Hussein (AS) are living in
the heaven of fools. They are the enemies of
deen & shariat & are wearing the tauq of curse
of the true guides of Quran & Deen-e-Haq."
50 -
Ayatullah Mustafa Noori Ardbeli "Hazrat
Imam Hussein (AS) is a standard bearer of
freedom of thought, rather a divine
representative & from Ashaab-e-Kisa (peace of
Allah be upon them), in respect of whom
Aaya-e-Tatheer was revealed. Beams of Hazrat
Imam Hussein (AS)'s qayaam are a lesson for
whole Islamic world. Whole world should find out
its way in the light of these beams & rays."
51 -
Ayatullah Aaqae Sheikh Abu Talib Tajleel
"Azadari of Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS) is the very
foundation of shia school of thought as well as
honour of sha'a'ir Allah. To hold majalis-e-aza
& lament over His (AS)'s great sufferings
reflects the love with The Holy Prophet (peace
of Allah be upon Him& His Aal)." |
52 -
Ayatullah Aaqae Haaj Syed Hussein Moosavi
Karmaani All effectiveness of karbala is
due to the name of Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS) & it
is Qayaam-e-Hussaini which gave life to deen. To
hold majalis-e-aza & perform marasim- e-aza is
the most important amar from among the
53 -
Ayatullah Mohsin Haram Panahi, Qumm Al Muqaddisa
"Aza-e- (to mourn) Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS) is
the respect of sha'a'ir (signs), the revival of
deen & the promotion of shariat." |
54 -
Ayatullah Abbas Mahfoozi Gilani "Majalis-e-Aza
are the revival of Mission-e-Aal-e-Muhammad
(peace of Allah be upon Them). These are the
majalis which have been giving us protection
since centuries."
55 - Agha
Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi, Chief Of
Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya Pakistan To
commemorate Hazrat Imam Hussein Ibne Abi Talib
(AS), who was The Representative of
Khasaan-e-Khuda, The Successor of Anbia (AS), &
The Protector of deen-o-shariat, is the
declaration of success of Mohaz-e-Tauheed,
challenge of Jehad to polytheism, infidelity,
oppression, tyranny, despotism & barbarity, the
revival of dawat-e-Tauheed-o-Risaalat-o-Walayat.
His objective was universal & high in character
restoring supremacy of religion, respect of the
humanity, preaching & protecting the message of
Tauheed-o- Risaalat & walayat. Karbala is the
central point of all movements in action for
achievement of independence all around the
world. Karbala is the name of giving priority to
honorable death over life in humiliation. Islam
is an expression of Hussainiyyat while
Hussainiyyat that in fact is the message of
death for evil forces, is commensurate with
Azadari. Azadari is a universal protest of
oppressed against oppression. Azadari is our
jugular vein; it is the soul of all Ibadaat
(worships) while zanjeer zani & quma zani are
the soul of Azadari. Any one, who will collide
with the strong rock of Azadari, will become
unidentified." |
... |
Azadari 40 Hadith click here |
Understanding Azadari Lecture
Q & A on
Azadari - by Syed Saeed Akhtar RIzvi
(12/5/1965) an article of mine was published in
the Standard Tanzania, D' Salaam, on the tragedy
of Karbala. Mr. A. Robley of Arusha (a Qadiani)
in a letter to editor protested that mourning
for the dead was against the teaching of Islam.
I sent a short reply & invited him to seek
enlightenment by private correspondence. When he
wrote a letter to me, I advised him to see Haji
Ali Mohammad Jaffer Sheriff (Arusha) for
detailed reply. After being shown the references
etc. on this subject, he asked Haji Ali that the
references should be given to him in writing.
Hence the following letter, to which no reply
was ever received. This letter is published now
because it answers many questions often put
before us: |
ANS. Please
refer to your conversation with Haji Ali about
mourning of Martyrs of Karbala & your request
that it should be recorded in writing.
First of all, let me emphasize that your whole
approach to this matter is wrong. You are
laboring under the presumption that everything
to be lawful should be expressly allowed in
Sheriat, while the dictum accepted in all the
sects of Islam is that everything is lawful
unless it is expressly forbidden. We cannot
declare an act unlawful just on the ground that
it was invented after the Prophet. Otherwise we
shall have to bum all the books of traditions,
commentaries of Qur'an, Fiqah of Imams Abu
Hanifa, Shafii, Malik & Ibn Hanbal. Not only
this, but we shall have to think whether it is
not haram to have the Qur'an in our houses which
has been divided in thirty parts & its alphabets
marked by dots, & pronunciations made clear by
adding fat'ha, kasra, & Dhamma etc. Again, we
shall have to ponder whether it was lawful for
the First Caliph & Third Caliph to unify the
different qira'ats of Qur'an which were
prevalent among the Companions of the Prophet.
Then we note that the Prophet never used paper
notes in place of coins. Is it not haram to use
currency notes for charity, building Mosques &
other good deeds? It is alleged, though we say
it is wrong, that the Prophet did not appoint
anybody as his successor, & it is known that he
never entrusted this duty to anybody else. What
will be the legal status of those Khulafa who
were elected by people to carry on the work of
Prophet after the death of the Prophet?
I may here quote the universally accepted
traditions of the Prophet that "Everything is
allowed until it is forbidden" & "all things are
allowed so long as you do not get any law for or
against it" These traditions are accepted by
Sunnis & Shias alike. But, of course, you are
neither Sunni nor Shia; & you are not bound to
accept anything recorded in their books. But,
then, you have also no right to interfere in the
internal matters of these Muslim sects.
Sheikh Islam, Allama Ibn Hajarul Asqalani, in
his Sharh of Sahih Bukhari (Babul
Iqtadae-bisunanirrasul) says: "Almost all
Muslims divide Bid'at in five kinds
Wajib Bid'at, viz arranging Qur'an &
preparing of Ilmul-Kalam against atheists &
wrong religions & sects;
(2) Sunnat Bid'at, e.g. writing books
of religion, establishing Madressas &
(3) Mubah Bid'at, e.g. different
kinds of dishes of food
(4) Makruh Bid'at, e.g. using good
clothes & food so long as it does not reach
the boundary of 'Israf' (extravagance); &
(5) Haram Bid'at, e.g. revolt against
Imam & everything which is against the
Sheriat & about which there is established
proof of its being haram."
Imam Shafii
also has said, which has been recorded by
Allama Asqalani in the same book 'Sharhe Sahih
Bukhari', that 'Bid'at is of two kinds
Mahmudah (praiseworthy) &
(b) Mudhmumah (Condemned); what is in
accordance with Sunnat is Mahmudah &
whatever is against Sunnat is Madhmumah".
You see that it
is not enough to say that such & such thing was
not in the days of the Prophet & then declare
that it is unlawful, because there are some
innovations which are Wajib, Sunnat, Mubah &
Makruhand all these are lawful & Halal. And, of
course, there are some haram Bid'ats & we have
to guard against every Bid'at of this type. One
example of such Bid'at may be found in the
traditions: "Whosoever innovates something &
calls others to it or establishes a religion,
certainly he goes out of Islam." I wonder what
will be your reaction to this tradition & for
such a Bid'at, because you have chosen to follow
a religion which was invented 1300 years after
the Prophet of Islam!
Still it is not my intention to leave you in
darkness, and, therefore, I want to make it
clear that actually mourning for Martyrs is not
'Bid'at (innovation) at all. Every history of
Islam records that when the Prophet came to the
corpse of his uncle, Hamza, he cried loudly &
fainted. When he recovered from the faint, he
again began crying & calling 'Hamza, O Hamza; O
Uncle of the Prophet of God, O Defender of the
Prophet; O Hamza, Lion of Allah & the Prophet'.
It is called 'Nauha' in Arabic language. Not
only this, but when the Prophet came back to
Medina, he heard crying voices from every house
of Medina for the Martyrs. Prophet did not
forbid it. On the contrary, he sadly said,
"But there are no women to weep for Hamza."
People of Medina hurried back to their houses &
asked their womenfolk to go to the house of
Hamza & weep & cry for him. When the Prophet
heard their crying voices & was told that
they were weeping for Hamza, the Prophet was so
happy that he said, "May Allah be pleased
with you, with your children, & with the
children of your children." Waqidi, in his
history, records that after his incident, it
became an established practice at Medina
that whenever there was a death, the women
cried first for Hamza & then for their dead
I think you will now be satisfied that the
practice of mourning for martyrs was established
by Prophet himself, & the practice for
mourning over Hamza was started in 3rd year of
Hijra & the Prophet died in 11 A.H. &
there is no record that he ever expressed his
dislike against this practice. This is the
answer to your query about mourning year after
year. So far as the particular case of imam
Hussein is concerned, I would like to quote some
traditions & ayats to enlighten you:-
1. God says in Qur'an about
Pharaoh & his army
the sky nor the earth wept for them & they
were not given chance " (Ad-Dukhan). Imam
Muslim records in Tafsir of this Ayat, "When
Hussein was martyred, the Sky as well as the
Earth wept on him & weeping of the sky is
its being red." (Sahih Muslim).
2. Some 50 years before the event
of Karbala, the Prophet wept when he was told by
the Angel that Hussein would be killed by the
army of Yezid in Karbala.
Gabriel asked, "O Prophet of God, do you
want me to give you some earth from his
place of martyrdom?" The Prophet said,"Yes".
Gabriel gave a handful of earth of
Karbala & the Prophet began weeping
uncontrollably. This tradition is
recorded in Mishkat, Musnad Ahmed bin
Hanbal, As-Sawaiqul-Muhriqa of Allama
Ibn Hajar Makki & Sirrul Alamin of Imam
Ghazali; & has been narrated by Imam
Sha'abi, Imam Baihaqi, Imam Hakim & scroes
of other traditionalists. The Prophet
gave that earth to his wife, Ummul Mu'mineen,
Umme Salma, & told her,
"When you see this earth turned into
blood, know that Hussein has been
3. On the 10th Muharram, 61 A.H.,
Umme Salma was asleep in the afternoon when she
saw the Prophet in her dream: He stood in tragic
condition & his hair was dusty & disarranged &
in his hand was a bottle full of blood. Umme
Salma asked what it was. The Prophet said, "This
is the blood of Hussein & his companions. I was
collecting it since this morning."
Salma woke up & ran towards the bottle which
contained the earth of Karbala & saw red
blood flowing from it. Then she cried &
called her relatives & started mourning for
Hussein. This tradition is in Musnad
of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal, As-Sawaiqul-Muhriqa,
Mishkatul Masabih, Tirmidhi & other books.
4. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
writes in his book "Ghunyatut-Talebeen", Vol. II
page 62;
angels came on the grave of Hussein bin Ali
after his martyrdom & they are weeping on
him & will remain weeping upto the Day of
5. Matam (Beating of chests &
Face): It is recorded in Madarij-un-Nubuwwat
(Vol. II, page 163) that when Shaitan announced
a lie that the Prophet was killed (in the Battle
of Uhud), the Hashimite women, including the
Lady of Paradise - Fatima Zahra (AS) - came out
weeping, beating their chests & faces. The
same book also records that after the death of
Prophet, some of the companions wept & cried so
much that they lost their eyesight. This is
also recorded in "Kitab Mathabata-Bis-Sunnah".
(Page 119).
6. When the Second Caliph was
informed of the death of ibne Muqrim, he put his
hand to his head & cried. (Iqdul-Farid,
Vol. II, page 4).
7. When Imam Zainul Abedeen came
back from Damascus, & people of Medina were
informed that the family of the Prophet was
outside Medina, the Madinites rushed to meet
them & they were weeping, beating their heads,
chests & faces. It should be mentioned that
the practice of Madinites is one of basic laws
in some sects of Ahlus-Sunna.
Actually, the notion that mourning on Hussein &
his companions or weeping, crying, beating of
chests, etc. is unlawful, is based on
misinformation. People are misled by a tradition
of Abdullah bin Umar, in which he alleges that
the Prophet said that "dead man is punished if
people weep for him." But wherever this
tradition is recorded its correction &
contradiction by Ummul Mu'mineen, Ayesha is also
recorded. When she was told of this alleged
reporting of Abdullah bin Umar, she said that
"May God forgive him, he did not tell wrong
(intentionally) but he has forgotten or is
mistaken. The fact is that the Prophet passed by
a corpse of a Jewess & people were crying for
her. The Prophet said that they are weeping over
her while she is punished."
You see the difference. The Prophet did not say
that dead man is punished because of the action
of weeping of people, & he could not have said
it because Qur'an says, "Nobody will carry
weight of others", & it would be a gross
injustice to punish the dead man for the action
of he living relatives. What the Prophet meant
was that a kafir cannot gain anything through
the weeping of his relatives. Unfortunately,
misunderstanding of Abdullah bin Umar gave a
chance to mischief mongers to make a stand
against the family of the Prophet, & against the
natural human feelings. What makes me
wonder is the fact that they do not pay any heed
to he correction by Ummul Mu'meneen Ayesha which
is recorded side by side in every book of
tradition. Does it not show that these people
who raise objection against the mourning of Imam
Hussein, do not want to seek the truth. They
just want to further their own interest at the
cost of Islamic truth. Of course, there may be
some excesses in some places in the customs of
mourning but it does not justify an all-out
attack upon the basic principles of Islamic
These are only a few of the traditions of the
Prophet regarding propriety of mourning on
Hussein. As you have asked to know custom &
rulings of our Imams, I would like to quote here
a few of the traditions of our Imams. Even now
it is not necessary to quote from our own books
because so many Sunni scholars believe in this
cause & they have given those narrations in
their own books.
(a) Mulla Ali Qari writes in his
book "Sharhul Mishkat" Vol. V, page 604,
that Imam Hasan (our second Imam & fifth Caliph
of Sunnis) said, "Whosoever sheds one drop of
tear from his eyes concerning us, Allah ta'ala
will give him Jannat." Same tradition is
recorded in "Yanabiul Mawaddah" (page
(b) Majlises (gatherings to hear about
events of Karbala) were established just after
Karbala by our fourth Imam, Ali Ibn Hussein
ZainulAbedeen (as.) & was developed by our Sixth
Imam Ja'far Sadiq (AS) & our eighth Imam, Ali
bin Musa Ridha (AS). |
THE CHEST Could you please put more light on
the question of 'Matam' (i.e. beating of chest &
taking out the blood) in Muharram? |
According to the Fatwa of Agha-e-Khoui, it is
allowed if it does not do harm to the health of
a person & is done within the limits of sheriat,
i.e. Namaz & other Wajib things are not
sacrificed for Matam. |
THE SHABIH'S Are we allowed to kiss the "Julus'
which we take out in Muharram? After all they
are made out of our own imagination |
ANS. I do
not understand what you mean by 'kissing the
Julus'. 'Julus' in Urdu means procession. How do
you kiss a procession?
If you mean 'Tazaia', 'Alam' & other such
symbols, then the answer is 'yes'. The respect
shown to these things is not for the paper,
cloth or wood. It is for original tomb or Alam
whose symbol or copy these things are. |
& CHANCES OF "SHIFA'AT"? Are there any
better chances of Shifaat (Intercession) for the
mourners of the heroes of Karbala? Is it only
Mourning' which entitles one to Shifa'at or
Mourning & following Islam? |
Mourning on the tragedy of Karbala depends upon
the true love of Ahlul-Bait (AS). & the true
love of Ahlul-Bait is bound to lead a man on
right path, i.e., following the path of Ahlul-Bait
Suppose someone asks you "Is it true that an
apple a day keeps the doctor away?" & you say:
Then he says: "Will it keep the doctor away even
if one starved himself & did not take any food
except that one apple a day? & you say: "No".
And then he retorts: "It means that the apple
does not give us any strength at all & that
proverb is absolutely wrong". What will you say
to such a man? The same is the position of your
question. |
My question is that, what is the actual wording
of the ruling of Grand Ayatullah Syed Ali
Hussani Seestani (may he live long), on the
issue of "Zanjeer Ma'tam"? |
Ayatullah Seestani permits zanjeer matam
provided there is no fear of loss of life or
causing irreversible injury to any limb. On top
of the list of Merjas I provide in my previous
email here are some more Ulamaes who allow it.
2. The following Ulama are few of those who have
allowed zanjeer zani:- Mirza Hussein Na'ini -Agha
Ziyauddin Iraqi-Agha Muhsin al-Hakim -Agha Abul
Qasim al-Khui (ref:
- Ayat. Gulpaygani & - Ayat. Araki allow the
ritual of self-flagellation so long as there is
no fear of loss of life or causing injury to any
organ of the body
.. |
Translation of Q/A paper in urdu
- handed over by Aytullah Bashir Najafi office
in dec 07 |
Q1) is azadari
wajib or mustahab? |
A1) If there is a
chance that shiaism will be wiped out by not
doing azadari, in such cases azadari becomes
wajib, otherwise it is a source of great
recompense. |
Q2) what is the
importance of azadari? |
A2) Azadari
includes all works whether action or speech
which are mubah (ie not haram). It should be
done with the aim of spreading word about the
oppression of Imam Hussein (a) & other ahl
Bayt(a) & the humiliation of their enemies. We
have been ordered to do azadari, it brings great
recompense. |
Q3) During
azadari of Imam Hussein (a), is it allowed to
kiss the alam, taziah, zuljinah? |
A3) It is not a
problem to kiss, it is allowed. But to believe
that an infallible (masoom) has ordered to kiss
is not allowed. |
Q4) what do you
say to the wearing of chains on the wrists & the
ankles. |
A4) If one wears
so as not to forget the imprisonment of his
oppressed & innocent Imam (a), it is allowed.
But to do so thinking it to be the sunnat of the
Imam is not allowed. No masoom has ever ordered
such a thing. |
Q5) Is it
allowed to ‘de-shirt’ oneself on the streets to
do matam, where women are also present? |
A5) It is not a
problem, women should not go to such places. |
Q6) What is
your opinion about zanjeer & kama’ |
A6) If zanjeer &
kama’ are done with the intention of spreading
word about the oppression to which Imam Hussein
(a) was subjected, not only is it allowed but
brings great recompense. However, if before
doing such matam, one is satisfied (itminan)
that he will die or some organ of his body will
become useless, it is not allowed. Similarly, it
is not allowed in those areas where people, due
to ignorance, will turn away from Islam or will
feel a revulsion towards Islam. |
Q7) While
mourning for Imam Hussein (a) is it allowed to
hit with a dagger or knife, which results in
loss of a lot of blood. Is this a source of any
recompense? While doing so, if a person dies,
what is your opinion regarding this? |
A7) If matam is
done this way to spread word about the
oppression of Imam Hussein (a), then it is a
source of great recompense. If one dies during
this, he will be included amongst the helpers of
Imam (a) & the ahl bayt (a) But if he knows
before doing such matam that he will die or some
part of his body will become useless, it is not
allowed. Similarly, do not do such matam in
places where ignorant people will turn away from
Islam. |
Q) During
majalis of Imam Hussein (a) some orators recite
traditions about which we do not know whether
they are true or fabricated, while others are
definitely fabricated. Is it allowed to attend
such majalis? |
A) Bismihi Ta’ala.
It is a major sin to recite & hear(while
declaring them to be true) those traditions
about which one is sure that they are
fabricated. If attending such a majlis amounts
to the acceptance & spreading the fame of such a
false tradition reciter, it not allowed to
attend such a majlis. Let it be clear that
attributing false traditions to the Aimma
violated their rights. It is the duty of every
mo’min to refrain from such acts. Wallaho alam |
Lamentations, breast-beating and mourning in memory of Husain’s martyrdom
are not sanctioned by Islam. Though such martyrdoms are tragic, the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has forbidden holding mourning ceremonies on the death of
any person.
People of Jaahiliyyah (ignorance) used to mourn over their deceased then the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) stopped the Muslims.
Azaadaari (mourning) is a means to express sorrow for the hardships suffered
by the Ahle Bait (a.s.) at the hands of the caliphs of their time. The words
of Imam of Ahle Sunnah Allamah Fakhrudeen Raazi are notable:
‘It is our firm belief that one who dies with love for the descendants of
Muhammad (s) dies a martyr.’
(Tafseer-e-Kabir, vol 7, pg 390)
We read in Al-Bidaayah wa al-Nihaayah of Ibne Kasir in vol. 4, pg. 45,
Beirut ed.
It is narrated by Abu Hurariah that the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) used to visit the
graves of martyrs every year. When he (s.a.w.a.) would reach the entrance of
the mountain, he (s.a.w.a.) would say (to the martyrs): ‘Assalamoalaikum bi
maa sabartum’. This means ‘Peace be on you due to your patience and you have
reached a pleasant place due to this.’ Then after the Prophet (s.a.w.a.),
Abu Bakr also used to come (every year), and after him Umar used to do the
same and then Usman also did the same.
We read in Al-Bidaayahwa al-Nihaayah vol. 6 pg. 360:
Umar said ‘Whenever I venture out at sunrise, I remember the death of my
brother Zaid b. Khattab.’
Obviously the remembrance of his brother’s death did not make him laugh; he
was sorrowful (azaadaar).
We find in Taarikh-e-Yaqoobi, vol. 1, pg. 3:
The father and mother of humanity (Hazrat Adam (a.s.) and his wife Hazrat
Hawwa (a.s.)) wept for their son Haabeel for so long that their tears turned
into a stream.
In Rauzah al-Shuhadaa, pg 30 the same incident has been quoted by Mulla
Husain Waaiz Kashifi who adds:
Tears from Adam’s (a.s.) right eye were flowing like the River Dajla and
like the River Euphrates from his left eye.
Perhaps the following tradition may prove more convincing:
After the burial of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.), the companions in a state of
sorrow were virtually throwing dust over themselves, and were crying due to
the separation from their beloved. Especially Hazrat Faatemah (s.a.) was
inconsolable; she was looking at the faces of her sons Imam Hasan (a.s.) and
Imam Husain (a.s.) and was crying at their plight and her own plight. Even
Aaesha was continuously crying and wailing. For several days and nights the
voices of crying and mourning rose from this house which became house of
grief (Baytul Huzn) and separation.
(Madaarij al-Nubuwwah, vol 2, pg. 753-754)
Mulla Ali Qaari in his book Al-Mirqaat fi Sharh al-Mishkaat from a narration
by Imam Ahmed b. Hanbal quotes Imam Husain (a.s.):
‘Whoever weeps and cries upon me remembering my pain and miseries, Allah
shall grant him Paradise.’
(Al-Mirqaat fi Sharh al-Mishkaatwith reference to Taarikh-e-Ahmedi, pg 277,
printed in Kanpur)
One can refer to the Holy Quran via this hadis in Ahle Sunnah’s
authoritative work Tafseer-e-Durr al-Manthoor, vol. 4 pg 31:
The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) was asked: What was the extent of Hazrat Yaqoob’s (a.s.)
mourning for his son? He (s.a.w.a.) replied, ‘It was on par with mourning of
70 men and women.’ And what was the reward for this? He (s.a.w.a.) retorted,
‘It is on par with one hundred martyrs.’
And we read in Tafseer Khazaan vol.3 pg 253:
Yusuf (a.s.) said to Hazrat Jibrail (a.s.): Is my father adhering to
mourning? Hazrat Jibrail (a.s.) said: The mourning of Yaqoob (a.s.) is on
par with 70 men and women mourning. He then asked, ‘What is the reward for
this mourning?’
He said: The reward for this mourning is on par with mourning of 100
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) stopped the Muslims from doing all this and
directed them to observe patience by saying ‘Innaalillaahi wa innaa
ilayhiraaji’oon’. A number of authentic traditions are available on the
To quote one of them: He is not from our group who slaps his cheeks, tears
his clothes and cries in the manner of the people of Jaahiliyyah. (Saheeh
Please refer to the Holy Quran, which permits crying:
‘And he turned away from them, and said: O my sorrow for Yusuf! And his eyes
became white on account of the grief, and he was a repressor (of anger).’
(Surah Yusuf (12): 84)
If you refer to the exegesis of this verse, it will be clear how much
Prophet Yaqoob (a.s.) cried for his son ultimately forfeiting his eyesight
in the process.
In Surah Nahl (16): 53, Allah declares: ‘And whatever favor is (bestowed) on
you it is from Allah; then when evil afflicts you, to Him do you cry for
When Umar heard of Numan b. Muqrin’s death he beat his head and screamed, ‘O
what a pity that Nu’man died.’
(Kanz al-Ummal, vol.8, pg. 117, Kitaab al-Maut)
As narrated by Tabari in his Taarikh vol. 9 pg. 183 (English translation by
Ismail Poonawala):
Abbas narrates:
I heard Aaesha say: The Messenger of Allah died on my bosom during my turn,
I did not wrong anyone in regard to him. It was because of my ignorance and
youthfulness that the Messenger of Allah died while he was in my lap. Then I
laid his head on a pillow and got up beating my chest and slapping my face
along with the women.
(Ibn Katheer in al Bidaayah wa al-Nihaayah vol 5, pg 420)
Also refer to Ibn Katheer in al Bidayah wan Nihayah:
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) died while he was in my lap. Then I laid
his head on a pillow and got up beating my face along with other women.
According to Saheeh-e-Bukhaari:
Anas b. Malik narrated:
We went with Allah’s Apostle (s.a.w.a.) to the blacksmith Abu Saif, and he
was the husband of the wet-nurse of Ibrahim (the son of the Prophet
(s.a.w.a.)). Allah’s Apostle took Ibrahim, kissed him and smelled him.
Later, we entered Abu Saif’s house at that time, Ibrahim was breathing his
last and the eyes of Allah’s Apostle (s.a.w.a.) started shedding tears.
Abdul Rahman b. Auf said, ‘O Allah’s Apostle! Even you are weeping!’
He said, ‘O Ibn Auf, this is mercy.’
Then, he wept more and said, “The eyes are shedding tears and the heart is
grieved, and we will not say except what pleases our Lord, O Ibrahim! Indeed
we are grieved by your separation.”
Saheeh-e-Bukhaari, vol 2, book 23, tradition 390
We read in the traditions about the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.):
‘The Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.a.) was in a state where he was beating his
1. Saheeh-e-Bukhari vol. 2 pg 50
2. Sunan-e-Nesaai vol. 3 pg 305
3. Adhaan al Mufreed pg 426
4. Saheeh-e-Muslim vol 1 pg 291
5. Musnad-e-Abi Awaana vol. 2 pg 292
‘There is nothing against Islam in expressing grief, sorrow or in crying and
weeping at the loss of a loved one.’
Fayz al Bari fi Sharh-e-Saheeh Bukhari, vol 12, pg 462, Egypt ed.
We read in Ahle Sunnah’s authority work Maarij al-Nubuwwah chap 1 pg 248:
Hazrat Adam (a.s.) was so distressed that he smashed his hands onto his
knees and the skin from his hands caused gashes from which bone could be
We read in Al-Bidaayah wa al-Nihaayah vol. 5, pg 243:
‘When Prophet (s.a.w.a.) died on the bed, the women who were around him (s.a.w.)
had made their faces red by beating their faces.’
Even Husain (a.s.), shortly before his demise, had advised his beloved
sister Zainab (a.s.), not to mourn over his death in this manner.
He said, ‘My dear sister! I swear upon you that in case I die you shall not
tear your clothes, nor scratch your face…’
It is obvious from the numerous incidents of Zainab’s (s.a.) weeping in the
presence of Imam Husain (a.s.) before his martyrdom that these statements
are false and misleading.
When the forces of Yazid planned to attack the camp of Imam Husain (a.s.),
Hazrat Zainab (s.a.) came to Imam Husain (a.s.) and asked why was there so
much noise outside their tents, Imam replied that I just saw Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
in a dream and he (s.a.w.a.) said that I will be meeting him (s.a.w.a.)
tomorrow, hearing this Hazrat Zainab (s.a.) started crying and beating
herself on the face.
Al-Bidaayahwa al-Nihaayah, vol 8, pg 176, Beirut ed.
In the same book it is mentioned:
Hazrat Zainab (s.a.) heard the elegies from Imam (a.s.). Reflecting on the
tragedy of Karbala and the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.) she cried,
lamented and beat herself on the head until she fainted.
Al-Bidaayahwa al-Nihaayah, vol 8, pg 177, Beirut ed.
Similarly, we read in Sunan-e- Ibn Maajah, vol. 2, pg 285, published 1313 AH
in Egypt.
Saad b. Abi Waqqaas reported from Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that he said
‘…shed tears and cry and if you can’t cry then make a crying face.’
The death of Imam Husain (a.s.) is an event on which not only humans, but
even the jinn, angels, animals, birds, the sky and trees, have lamented.
Thus, it is written that the sky wept for forty days on (the martyrdom of)
Imam Husain (a.s.).
Yanabi al-Mawwaddah by Allamah Shaikh Sulaiman Hanafi Qundoozi,
Constantinople ed. pg 392
Hafiz Abu Noaim writes in Hilyah al-Awliyaa on the authority on Imam Sha’bee,
Zuhri, and Abu Qataadah:
When Imam Husain (a.s.) was martyred, the sun was eclipsed (so long) so that
the stars appeared.
Waqiyaat-e-Karbala pg 75
Shah Abdul Aziz Dehalvi has narrated the lamenting and wailing of the jinn
on pg. 96 of his book titled Sirr al-Shahaadatain. He has also quoted the
verses of the elegy recited by the jinn while weeping over Imam Husain (a.s.).
Umme Salmah (r.a.) has also narrated: I heard the jinn mourning for Husain.
1. Tarikh al-Kabir by al-Bukhari (the author of Saheeh), vol 4, part 1,
pg 26
2. Fazaa’il al-Sahaabah, by Ahmed b. Hanbal, vol 2, pg 776, tradition
3. Tabarani, vol 3, pg 130-131
4. Tahzib vol. 7
Suyuti states: When Imam Husain was martyred, the corners of the sky
remained red for a four month period.
(Tafseer-e-Durr al-Manthoor vol. 6, pg. 31)
We find in the traditions that even the first and the second caliphs didn’t
find lamenting loudly un-Islamic or against the Sunnah.
Refer to Kashf al-Ghummah pg. 175:
Abu Bakr and Umar would cry in such a way that the neighbors could hear
Again in the same book we read:
When Saad Ibn Maaz died, the Prophet (s.a.w.a.), Abu Bakr and Umar cried.
Ayesha narrates ‘I recognized the cries of Abu Bakr and Umar although I was
in my house”.
(Kashf al-Ghummah, pg. 174)
Aaesha called people to read elegies on her father’s death and she herself
(Tarikh Kaamil, vol 2, pg 288; Iqd al-Fareed, vol 3, pg 65)
On the day that Abu Bakr died, the situation seemed as if Madinah would be
flooded with tears.
(Tarikh al-Khamees, vol 2, pg 330)
There are numerous other traditions which prove the permissibility of
Azaadaari in the light of the Holy Quran and the teachings of the Messenger
of Allah (s.a.w.a.) and his revered companions. However, some Muslims choose
to ignore them and raise the bogey of azaadaari being a form of innovation
and deviation.
It’s an undeniable fact that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has given all
Muslims the bounty of Islam for which we collectively cannot repay him.
However, the only way we could try to do that is to follow the Holy Quran
which states:
Say: I do not
ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives..
Surah Shura (42): 23
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has also stated, ‘Husain
(a.s.) is from me and I am from Husain (a.s).
The Quranic verse and prophetic tradition are more than enough for any
Muslim worth his salt to acknowledge the excellence of Ahle Bait (a.s.). The
least one can do is remember and love the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and his family
(a.s.) rather than remaining partial to those who were responsible ever
since the advent of Islam for hurting the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) like Abu
Sufyan, his son Muawiyah and his grandson Yazid.
Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis-e-Dehlavi while explaining the philosophy of
martyrdom writes in the preface of his book ‘Sirr al-Shahaadatain’:
‘The martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.) is in reality the martyrdom of his
grandfather Muhammad Mustafa (s.a.w.a).’
Last few traditions from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
It has been mentioned in reliable traditions that often Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.a.) mourned for Imam Husain (a.s.), which was obviously before his
The well-known scholar of 10th century A. H. Allauddin Muttaqi Hindi in his
book ‘Kanz al-Ummaal’ has quoted Ibn Abi Shaibah, who has related from Umme
Salmah, the wife of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), that ��” Once Imam Husain
(a.s.) came to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) when I was sitting near the door. I
saw that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) had something in his palm, which
affected him, making him weep profusely. By now Imam Husain (a.s.) had
fallen asleep in his lap. I asked about the matter. He replied: ‘Jibrail has
brought the earth of the place where Husain (a.s.) will be martyred and
informed me that people of my Ummah will slay him.’
Kanz-ul-Ummaal vol. 2
One day, Umm Fazl, wife of Abbas ��” the Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) uncle ��”
approached the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and informed him (s.a.w.a.), ‘O Prophet of
Allah! I had a nightmare. I dreamt as if a piece of your flesh was flung in
my arms.’
The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) informed, ‘The
dream is true. Faatemah will give birth to a son and he will be brought to
you.’ As predicted on Husain’s (a.s.) birth, he was brought in my lap.
One day, I brought the infant to the Prophet (s.a.w.a.). For some time, the
Prophet (s.a.w.a.) took his eyes away from the infant. When he (s.a.w.a.)
glanced at the infant again, his eyes welled up with tears.
I said, ‘May my father and mother be sacrificed on you O Prophet of Allah,
why are you crying?’
He (s.a.w.a.) informed, ‘I
have just been informed by Jibrael that my nation will kill him.’
I asked, ‘Will it be this son?’ He replied in the affirmative. Jibraeel also
brought reddish sand for me.’
Al-Mustadrak alaa al-Saheehain by Haakim Neishapouri, vol 3, pg 176
*Other QA
reference of ayat makarem shirazi
12 To Chain-Beat by Chains that have Razor [Mourning]
q> What is the ruling of chest-beat with razor or chain-beat
with a chain that has razor and to cause injury and
a> As it has been mentioned before, the issue of mourning
of Imam Hussein (a.s.) anytime and anywhere is one of the
best worships and strengthens the soul of faith and Islamic
courage and devotion among Muslims, but it should be
performed in the way that it doesn’t give excuse to enemies
of Islam and doesn’t cause abuse of that and this great and
magnificent ceremony not to be weakened; therefore it should
be abstained from acts that vilify the religion.
*reference of leader khamnenei is here
www.leader.ir >
goto practical laws of islam > religious events
Ayatollah Khamenei: Practical Laws of Islam >> Religious
Q1430: What is the view on beating the drum and cymbal,
blowing the trumpet, and lashing oneself with chains with
blades during the processions of the commemoration of the
martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.)?
A: If the use of such chains leads, in the eye of the
public, to defaming our school of thought or inflicting a
noticeable harmful effect on the body, it is not
permissible. There is no harm in using the drum, cymbal, and
trumpet in the traditional way.
Q1439: Is there any basis in religion for piercing one's
body with weights dangling therefrom, all in the name of
commemorating the martyrdom of the Imam Husayn (a.s.)?
A: These acts, which are, inevitably, bound to portray our
school of thought in a negative shade, are impermissible.
Q1449: In commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.)
on the tenth of Muharram, some people hit themselves with a
machete, or walk bare-footed on fire. Such actions defame
Shi'ism and put it in a bad light, if not undermine it. They
cause bodily and spiritual harms on these doing it as well.
What is your opinion in this matter?
A: Any practice that causes bodily harm, or leads to
defaming the faith, is Haram. Accordingly, the believers
have to steer clear of it. There is no doubt that many of
these practices besmirch the image of Ahlul Bayt's (a.s.)
School of Thought which is the worst damage and loss.
Q1450: Is hitting oneself with swords Halal if it is done in
secret? Or is your fatwa in this regard universal?
A: In addition to the fact that it is not held in the common
view as manifestations of mourning and grief and it has no
precedent at the lifetime of the Imams (a.s.) and even after
that and we have not received any tradition quoted from the
Infallibles (a.s.) about any support for this act, be it
privately or publicly, this practice would, at the present
time, give others a bad image of our school of thought.
Therefore, there is no way that it can be considered
actually when the wal e faqih orders something then it is
necessery for all muslims to follow as u have seen in the
fatwa of agha sistani therefore all the fatwas of great
marajas which are respectable at their own place but they
get void after the order of wali e faqih.
Therefore mentioning respectable fatwas of other marajae
regarding legalness of qamazani becomes useless.
Secondly i have also refernces from the great ayatullah
behjat as well that he accepts ayat Kahmeni as his leader
and fully supports islamic revolution i have read his bks as
well and myself heard from his close students regarding this
and if u require can scan his statments which r in farsi.
Therefore the must and most important responsibility of our
media nowadays is to fully support the islamic revolution
and our leader so that we can combat american and israel's
propandas and their system.
Therefore my kind advice to u is that u should also use ur
website for this great cause (which r u doin already but
should do some more aswell) so that we can prepare true
soldiers of imam e zamana and thus prepare an ideal society
which is fully prepared for his reappearence. insh...
bc his reappearence is on our hands the better we prepare
closer his reapperance will be. the better we combat the
today's yazeed the happier will be the imam hussein(a.s) of
our time (imam zaman a.s).
he leading scholar in the city of Qum, Ayatullah Vahid Khorasani who is
among the most senior Shia Scholars, addresses statements made by an individual
telling people to not cry loudly during mourning sessions for Ahlulbayt. In the
video he also goes over the Fatwas of previous scholars on the Mourning rituals
and he even states that shedding blood for the sake of mourning Ahlulbayt is
Halal. May Allah grant him a long life, and may Allah destroy the enemies of
A personal view on' Tatbir'
www.abna.co ..below
Dhakire Husayn must be the
Manifestation of Taqwa
The Grand Marja', Ayatullah
Nasir Makarim Shirazi of Qum recently wrote a very interesting book on the "Fiqh
of Azadari" - which is available on-line at http://www.makaremshirazi.org in
Farsi - and in this book, he was asked the following question:
Question 127: Is a Dhakir [lit.
one who reminds others] of the Ahlul Bayt permitted to take monetary
compensation in return for mentioning the merits (fadhaail) and the tragedies (masaa'ib)
of the Ahlul Bayt, peace be upon them?
Answer: There is no legal
program (shar'i) with specifying a set monetary compensation; however such an
action is not becoming of the status of the ones who speak about the Ahlul Bayt,
peace be upon them all, as such individuals must be the manifestation of
God-consciousness (Taqwa)