laws permit beating a child ONLY if all the following
conditions are fulfilled :-
1. Child must NOT have reached buloogh ie. boy
must be less that 15 yrs old and girl less than 9 years ,as per
hijri calendar.
2. Only the father or grandfather can do so (
wali).any other person including mother or teacher must have
permission of either of the Wali
3. It must be with the intention of correcting
the child and not to vent ones own anger.
4.Hitting is permitted only thrice ,not more
times .( some rare exceptions exist tho)
5.Beating is the only way of correction & there's
no other better way.
6.It should not be hard so as to leave marks on
skin as a result.
In case there are marks on skin then diyat
becomes payable to child as per rules . |