The Origin of Shi'te Islam and It's Principles
Muhammad Husayn Al-Kashifi 'l-Ghita'
Table of Contens
The Origins
of the Shi'ahs
Fundamentals of the Religion
Shi'ah-The Divine Code of Living
Fiqh (Jurisprudence)
1. Salat (prayer)
2. Sawm (Fasting)
3. Zakat (Taxation)
4. Khums
5. Hajj
6. Jihad
7. Amr Bi 'l-ma 'Ruf and Nahy 'ani 'l-munkar (The enjoining of
good and the prevention of evil)
8. Mu'amalat (Mutual Dealings)
8. (a) The Marriage Agreement
8 (b) Talaq (Divorce)
9. Inheritance
10. Endowments (waqf); Gifts (nibah) and
Charities (sadaqah):
11. Passing Judgement (qadawah)
12. Slaughtering and Hunting
13. The Nature of Foodstuffs
14. Penology (hudud)
Allegations Against the Shi'a
The Problem of Bada'
Taqiyah Endnotes