Sadooq page Ulamaa
SHEIKH SUDOOQ Shrine Pictures ( Ray Near Shah Abdul Azim Shrine) Ibn Babawiyah
Death and Place of Burial /Miracle of preserved Body
(From the introduction of Maani al-Akhbaar) Shaykh Sadooq (q.s.) passed away in the year 381 A.H. He was aged seventy and odd years at that time. His magnificent tomb is built near the mausoleum of Abdul Azeem Hasani in the Rayy province. Many people visit the place seeking blessings and paying respects. This mausoleum was first built by Fath Ali Shah Qachar in 1238 A.H. This was after the well known miracle that convinced the king, the queen and the courtiers. The details of this incident are mentioned in Raudhat of Khwansari, Qisasul Ulama of Tankabani, Tanqihul Maqaal of Mamaqani and Muntakhib at-Tawarikh of Khorasani.
Khwansari says: Among his miracles is one that was seen in the present age and
which a large number of people with perception themselves witnessed and which
people from far away places also saw is that the Shaykhs tomb which is situated
in Rayy was damaged with heavy rains as a result of which there developed a
crack. When renovation began and the gap was examined closely it was found
that it led to an underground chamber in which the last remains of the Shaykh
were placed. In this chamber, people saw an elegant dead body which was half
covered but the private parts were not exposed. It was a huge body and the nails
showed henna coloration and around the body lay twisted dusty threads of the
shroud cloth. This news spread all over the city of Tehran and even reached Fath
Ali Shah Qachar who was the great grandfather of Nasiruddin Shah. This
happened around 1238 A.H. So the King, with perfectly good faith, decided to
see for himself and he reached the tomb with an entourage of courtiers. Since
officers advised that King himself does not enter the burial chamber, he deputed
some reliable persons to go down and report the facts to him. At last, the truth
the miracle was confirmed for him and he finally ordered that the crack be
and the tomb be renovated in the most magnificent way. I myself have heard
about this incident from an eyewitness and some of our senior scholars have
mentioned this event in their books.
Mamqani has quoted this incident from the personification of justice and
truth, Sayyid Ibrahim Lawasani Tehrani’s Tanqihul Maqaal.
Those wishing to visit the shrine need to ask for Ibne Babawiyah at the time of visiting Shah Abdul Azeem shrine near Tehran ,to get directions for a 10 minute drive from it.
New dome under construction May 2014
Shaikh Sudooq Fathers shrine in Qom