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Sajdatus Sahv (Sajdah for forgotten acts)

1245. Two Sajdatus Sahv become necessary for five things, and they are performed after Salam. Their method will be explained later:

  1. For talking forgetfully during prayers.

  2. Reciting Salam at the wrong place, like, forgetfully reciting them in the first Rak'at.

  3. Forgetting tashahhud.

  4. When there is a doubt in a 4 Rak'at prayers, after second Sajdah, as to whether the number of Rak'ats performed is 4 or 5, 4 or 6.

  5. When after namaz, one realises that he has either omitted or added something by mistake, but that omission or addition does not render the prayers void.

These five situations call for Sajdatus Sahv. As per recommended obligation, if a person performs only one Sajdah forgetting the other, or if he erroneously sits down where he should stand, or vice versa, he should perform 2 Sajdatus Sahv. In fact, for every omission and addition made by mistake, in namaz, two Sajdatus Sahv be performed.

1246. If a person talks, by mistake or under the impression that his prayer has ended, he should perform 2 Sajdatus sahv, as a precaution.

1247. Sajdatus sahv is not obligatory for the sound emitted by coughing, but if one inadvertently sighs or moans, like, 'Ah', he should, as a precaution, perform Sajdatus Sahv.

1248. If a person makes an error in some recitation, and then repeats to correct it, Sajdatus Sahv will not be obligatory upon him.

1249. If a person talks for some time in namaz by mistake, and if the process is construed as having talked just once, he will perform two Sajdatus Sahv after Salams.

1250. If a person forgets the tasbihat Arba'ah , the recommended precaution is that he should perform 2 Sajdatus Sahv after his prayers.

1251. If at a place where the Salam of prayers is not to be said, a person forgetfully says "Assalamu 'alayna wa'ala 'ibadil lahis salihin" or says: "Assalam 'alaykum" he should, as an obligatory precaution, perform 2 sajdatus sahv, even if he did not add "Wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh". But if he says: "As Salamu alayka Ayyuhan Nabiyyu Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh" then Sajdatus Sahv will be a recommended precaution.

1252. If a person says, by mistake, all the 3 Salams at the time when Salam should not be recited, it is sufficient to perform 2 Sajdatus Sahv.

1253. If a person forgets one Sajdah or tashahhud, and remembers it before the Ruku of the next Rak'at, he should return and perform it. And after the prayers, he should, as a recommended precaution, offer two Sajdatus Sahv for additional standing (Qiyam).

1254. If a person remembers during Ruku or thereafter, that he has forgotten one Sajdah or tashahhud of the preceding Rak'at, he should perform the qadha of Sajdah after the Salam of prayers, and for tashahhud he should perform two Sajdatus Sahv.

1255. If a person does not perform Sajdatus Sahv after the Salam of prayers intentionally, he commits a sin, and it is obligatory upon him to perform it as early as possible. And if he forgets to perform it, he should perform it immediately when he remembers. It is, however, not necessary for him to repeat the prayers.

1256. If a person doubts whether or not two Sajdatus Sahv have become obligatory upon him, it is not necessary for him to perform them.

1257. If a person doubts whether two or four Sajdatus Sahv have become obligatory upon him, it will be sufficient if he performs two Sajdatus Sahv.

1258. If a person knows that he has not performed one of the two Sajdatus Sahv, and if it is not possible to do it then, he should perform two Sajdatus Sahv again. And if he knows that he has offered three Sajdah forgetfully, the obligatory precaution is that he should perform two Sajdatus Sahv again.