Maraje Vakils
Information |
Easy identification / availability of
contact of authorized persons, by Maraje;
for paying khums & fulfilling religious
obligations, in the language of the country
(or at least English to begin with.)
This looks
like a v good, not so difficult project.
What will be required is a certification by
each of marjas that the list / scanned
document, we have is authentic & valid.
Translations will also be required which
should be standard & not too difficult as
vakil.org Maraje-vakil.org
There are many more kinds of VAKIL
(representative) of a Marja. As you are
aware, being a vakil is not so big as people
imagine it. |
Vakil for what
purpose makes a difference. A person can be
a vakil to collect khums and deliver 100% to
other vakils or Marjaa or he may be authorized
to collect but spend a fixed percentage or
collect and spend a fixed percentage for a fixed
cause in a fixed manner or collect and spend
100% for a fixed cause in a fixed manner and
many more conditions may change in being a vakil.
There are very rare people who may have
permission to collect and spend 100% in the
cause the vakil himself feels appropriate and in
a manner he himself feels appropriate.
Vakil for
religious edicts: This has some complications in
it (not possible to explain everything here and
probably not understandable by everyone easily).
To make it simple it is better to understand
first that these edicts may be basically
classified into 2:
General fatwas
as is present in the rule books (Tauzih,
Minhaaj, Urwah, etc.)
decrees based on circumstances.
It is not
perfectly right to say vakil for class 1.
Marja cannot and do not authorize vakil to
issue his general fatwas. Marjaa may
identify a person to hold the moral
responsibility of relating his fatwa
further. But this is not a privilege of the
person so identified but it is moral
responsibility of that particular person to
relate fatwas. From our side if we have
faith in this person we will accept his
words as quoted from the marjaa and if we do
not have faith then we cannot accept his
words. As far as our acceptance is concerned
it does not make a difference between him
and any other momin. Here the basic
criterion is our faith level in the person
irrespective of the person being or not
being notified to carry out a particular
There are many
things that only a mujtahid (mostly not
limited to marjaa) can perform. Like
qazaawat (judgments), being wali for certain
classes, talaq and khula in very special
situations, etc. For situations related
edicts (decrees) a Marjaa may authorize a
person to carry out duties partially or
wholly as per mujtahids directions. This is
not merely a responsibility but it is a
privilege of the vakil. If this privilege is
exercised then it becomes wajib on the
people involved. This kind of representation
is rare at present.
What do we do?
Whenever we find ourselves in a relevant
situation we can always ask for the letter copy
duly stamped by the respective marjaa/mujtahid.
The letter will contain all the privileges the
vakil enjoys. Whatever is not contained therein
is, in simple terms, not valid for us except
otherwise proven through some other source. |
For public at
large, we can develop a website and appeal to
all the vakils internationally to provide the
authority letter received by them. We can scan,
translate and keep them on the website. Whoever
wants to know the detailed status of a
particular (claimed) vakil he may refer the
website instead of asking the vakil himself and
hence avoid any embarrassment. If the particular
vakils authority letter is not present on the
website then he may ask directly to the
(claimed) vakil and even request the vakil to
provide the letter copy on the website. I assure
you that gradually I will arrange to rope in
almost 90% of the vakils internationally to
provide the letter on our web site.
We may get the
letter copy of some of the vakils from Ayt.
Sistaanis office. But getting all letter copies
will be impossible. The office does not always
keep a second copy for its own record. In
certain cases even verbal authorizations are
granted. But when we request the vakils to
provide the authority letters they will
gradually get all their verbal authorities
converted to written ones. Though it should be
noted that generally written authorizations are
provided to a vakil if the authorization is for
general people and not limited to a specific
class of people. Trying to get most of them
being confirmed by the maraaje / mujtahideens
offices. We will gradually try other languages
whenever possible, InshaAllah. |
Saturday, October 25, 2008 7:03 PM
Re: FW: Islamic Call Centre based in Qom Najaf
When I was in Dearborn MI working in the
liaison office of S.Sistani (MAP) we had
1888 SIS TANI, I was responsible of
answering the calls for in three
languages, and answering the e-questions
of Aga Sistani (MAP) and some other
MARAJE as well, but the main issue was
time management. I had beside these two
responsibilities the responsibilities of
HOWZA in English,
www.ascenttv.net and helping in the
youth problems .
I would love to help in this project, it
is my favorite, I am still helping many
youth from Australia to USA, but there
is a serious lack of management.
If some one can do the management, then
I do not have any problem dedicating my
time and life for this mission.
The answer should be supported from the
books of law, and if further explanation
is required I Can call NAJAF and get it,
that phone call also must be recorded as
a proof of evidence. To avoid the
problem of different answers being
issued in one matter from many who
follow the same MARJE.
InshAllah if Allah swt wills you can
make a plan and find an active youth who
can manage then it might make things
easier, in fact one of my youth was
suggesting this to me, and now you have
the same vision.
To avoid the overwhelming Dearborn
experience which happened with me, I
have few Howza students who can help us
in this projects, one good sincere howza
student trained helper can do the phone
calls and I can help him in areas of
difficulty and consultation matters.
So one main person and a helper
dedicated full time for this project can
make the difference. I can easily get
the IJAZA of KHUMS from Aga, and if we
include other Maraje then I can get the
IJAZA from them as well. But to start
the project and to avoid being
overwhelmed direction and the focus of
the work should be defined.
If the 12th Imam (AJ) helps then this
project can be easily done.
Salaam Alaykum,
Safdar Razi Ali
The Director and The Instructor of
Advanced Islamic Studies in Islamic Law
and Theology
Many people want to know
about Islam & SPEAK to
someone to understand /ask
.Website reading /email is
Authentic information is not
available easily on phone
Islamic call centres have
been established in some
parts of the world
successfully eg AbuDhabi &
some european countries
Technology today provides
the ability to divert calls
to Najaf / Qom from anywhere
in the world , similar to
call centres in India
operated by banks for
We can have specific 800
series numbers allotted in
each country where it is
permitted to advertise
We then print leaflets /publicise
that " Know more about Islam
– Consult Alim Call xxxxxx
" ALL Islamic questions can
be answered by calling w/o
disclosing who is answering
from where
There can be a website
to email & possibly google
talk /messenger etc as well
We need a few people 24 hrs
in Najaf /Qom to answer the
calls in 3 languages to
Who/Which organization can
be identified to provide
this service reliably
We are willing in Oman to
take a toll free number , do
publicity & pay for call
chgs etc .There will be many
in many countries to do the
Please advise how this idea
can be processed further