Sayyid Ash Sharaf Ar Razi
compiler of Nahjul Balagah His Life and Work
Thaqalayn Journal article al-islam.org
By: Dr. Sayyid Muhammad Mahdi Ja'fari
Translated by Mahdi Chamanzar from Imamreza.net
Abu al-Hasan Muhammad ibn al-Husayn al-Musawi, popularly
known as
Sharif Razi,
lived a brief but highly fruitful life.
So great has been his contribution to Islamic sciences that
a study of his life and works requires an analysis of almost
all works on history, biographies and literature written
since the 5th century AH.
The life of Sayyid Razi who was born in 359 AH/970 CE in
Baghdad and died in the year 406/1015 in his hometown,
coincided with the era of the Buyid dynasty
(334-447/946-1056) which had reduced the Abbasid caliphs to
mere nominal rulers. It was the golden age of Arabic
literature and among his contemporaries mention could be
made of the great poets Al-Mutinabbi and Abual-'Ala'Mu'arri.
Sayyid Razi was born in a prominent household directly
descended from the Prophet (pbuh),
as is clear from the epithets of 'Sayyid' and 'Sharif, by
which he was referred.
His father Abu Ahmad Husayn bin Musa was fifth in line of
descent from the 7th Imam, Musa al-Kazim (a.s.),
and held the prestigious position of the Naqib al-Nuqaba '
of Iraq, a responsibility which required the managing of
affairs of the Sadats (Prophet's descendants).
He was given the title of 'Tahir Awhad Dhu al-Manaqib' and
died in 396 and was buried in the shrine of Imam Husayn (A.S.)
in Karbala'. At his death, Sayyid Razi, who had been acting
as his father's deputy since 381, officially became the
Naqib al-Nuqaba' and held the position till his own death in
406/1015. His father's genealogy reads: Husayn bin Musa bin
Muhammad bin Musa bin Ibrahim Mujab bin Imam Musa al-Kazim (
Sayyid Razi's mother Fatimah also traced her lineage to the
Prophet (pbuh)
and was the daughter of Husayn bin Abu Muhammad al- Hasan
al-Utrush bin 'Ali bin Hasan bin 'Umar al-Ashraf the son of
the 4th Infallible Imam, 'Ali ibn al-Husayn Zayn al-'Abidin
She was a pious and noble lady, and was held in high esteem
by scholars and other notables.
At her request, the great scholar Shaykh Mufid compiled the
book Ahkam al-Nisa' which contains the fiqhi rules for
Her family had carved out an independent principality in
Tabaristan on the southern coasts of the Caspian Sea. She
died in Baghdad in 385 AH.
There is an interesting story how Sayyid Razi and his elder
brother 'Ali Abual-Kasim Sayyid Murtaza started their formal
Islamic education. According to Ibn Abi al-Hadid in Sharh
Nahj al-Balaghah, Shaykh Mufid saw a dream that a lady
appearing to be the Prophet's daughter Hazrat Fatimah Zahra'
('a) entered his mosque in the Karkh locality of Baghdad
with two small boys and asked him to teach them fiqh. The
Shaykh woke up in a rather perplexed state of mind in view
of his own paucity of knowledge when compared to Imam Hasan
(a.s.) and Imam Husayn (a.s.).
But the next day when Fatimah, the wife of the Naqib al-Nuqaba
', entered the mosque with her two sons and requested him to
teach them Islamic sciences, he understood the purport of
his dream and accepted her request with great honour.
The two brothers together soon mastered different branches
of Islamic sciences under Shaykh Mufid and other leading
scholars of Baghdad, but unlike Sayyid Razi who was more
inclined towards politics and literature, Sayyid Mortaza was
deeply interested in fiqh.
Sayyid Murtaza, who acquired the epithet of 'Alam al-Huda,
was four years older than his brother and died at the age of
81 years in 436/ 1044. He served as Naqib al-Nuqaba' after
the death of Sayyid Razi and was considered a master of
kalam, fiqh, usul al- fiqh, literature, grammar, poetry and
other fields of knowledge. His divan or poetical composition
runs into more than 20,000 verses. He authored several books
such as al-Shafi fl al-Imamah, al- Dhakh'irah fi Usul al-Fiqh,
al-Ghurar wa al-Durar, and al-Tanzih.
Abu al-Hasan Muhammad ibn al-Husayn al-Musawi, popularly
known as
Sharif Razi,
lived a brief but highly fruitful life.
So great has been his contribution to Islamic sciences that
a study of his life and works requires an analysis of almost
all works on history, biographies and literature written
since the 5th century AH.
All Shi'ia and Sunni scholars acknowledge that Sayyid
Murtaza was the greatest scholar of his era and groomed many
outstanding 'ulama' including the famous Shaykh al-Ta'ifah
Abu Ja'far al-Tusi, the founder of the celebrated
theological Centre of Najaf.
Sayyid Razi's only son Abu Ahmad 'Adnan was also a prominent
scholar of his time and after the death of his uncle Sayyid
Murtaza, he was entrusted with the post of Naqib al- Nuqaba'.
He was given the title of his grandfather 'Taher Dhu al-
Manaqeb' by the Buhid ruler and was highly respected for his
knowledge and nobility of character.
'Adnan died issueless in 449 and with his death the physical
line of Sayyid Razi came to an end. However,
Sayyid Razi was destined for lasting fame in view of his valuable
works, especially the compilation of the sermons, letters,
and maxims of Imam Ali ( 'a) under the title Nahj al-Balaghah.
Sayyid Razi's genius flowered in early youth under the celebrated
Abi 'Abdullah Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Nu'man known
popularly as Shaykh Mufid.
Among his other teachers, mention could be made of the
Malikite jurist Abu Ishaq Ibrahim bin Ahmad Tabari, the
grammarian Abu 'Ali Hasan bin Ahmad 'Abd al-Ghaffar
al-Farsi, Abu Sa'id Hasan bin 'Abdullah bin Marzban
al-Baghdadi who was known as Qazi Sirafi, the Mu'tazalite
scholar Abu al-Hasan Qazi 'Abd al-Jabbar bin Ahmad
al-Baghdadi, and many more.
As is evident Sayyid Razi
studied under scholars of different religious persuasions in
order to master the various branches of the sciences and to
state with authority his own views and beliefs.
Sayyid Razi started holding his own classes at a very young
age, by setting up a school near his house in the Karkh
locality and named it Dar al-'Ilm.
It was a large school consisting of several buildings and
halls for convening classes, presenting speeches and holding
meetings and academic debates with researchers. It also had
resident quarters for eligible students and was equipped
with a large library filled with important Arabic and
Islamic reference books and sources.
Sayyid Razi, personally administered the school, student affairs
and the library. He constantly sought to meet the welfare
needs of the students, so that they could go about their
studies with a clear mind. As a result, a great number of
intellectuals graduated from his school, which had become
popular throughout the Islamic lands including Iran and
Needless to say, these graduates in turn taught and
transferred their knowledge acquired through Sayyid Razi to
other generations.
Sayyid Razi was an outstanding Arabic poet and a literary
genius, and his aesthetic taste could be evinced from his
works. Abd al-Latif Shararah says of him:
This great man in his relatively short life as compared to
Abu al-'Ala al-Mu'arri, besides keeping pace with important
events and political developments, was engrossed in
literature, literary research, and the study of rhetorical
aspects and fiqh. As the Naqib, he assumed responsibility of
the affairs of the Talibiyyin (descendants of Abu Talib) and
led the Hajj pilgrimage.
At the same time he established the Dar al-'Ilm Academy and wrote a
number of books. His most famous work, for which he made
great efforts and named it Nahj al-Balaghah, is a collection
of the sermons, letters and maxims of Imam 'Ali lbn Abi
Talib ('a).
Ibn Abi al-Hadid has written a commentary on this book in
20 volumes while Shaykh Muhammad 'Abduh has made it
available to the common man in a summarised interpretation.
Sharif Razi also devoted himself to research on the rhetorical and
linguistic aspects of Arabic, and the fruit of his efforts
is the book Talkhis al-Bayan ji Majazat al- Qur'an,
which has been researched and published in 464 pages by
Muhammad 'Abd al-Ghani Hasan. Sayyid Razi had referred to
this work many times in his other book Majazat al-Athar al-Nabawiyyah
but it was given up for lost for several centuries until the
accidental discovery of its manuscript by Sayyid Muhammad
Mishkat who published it as a Photostat edition in 1950.
It is a detailed
study on the metaphorical aspects of the surahs and ayahs of
the Holy Qur'an and is considered among the greatest
literary treasures of Islam
Abu al-Hasan Muhammad ibn al-Husayn al-Musawi, popularly
known as
Sayyid or Sharif Razi,
lived a brief but highly fruitful life.
So great has been his contribution to Islamic sciences that
a study of his life and works requires an analysis of almost
all works on history, biographies and literature written
since the 5th century AH.
Since the time of the Prophet, several scholars have
diligently recorded, compiled, quoted and written
commentaries on Prophet’s sayings, to the extent that
numerous collections, which could fill up libraries, have
been published.
However, what Sayyid Razi, the literary genius has been able
to accomplish in this respect, in the same manner as his
unique compilation of Imam 'Ali's (a) literary output under
the title of Nahj al-Balaghah, is quite different. It is
clear that this work was undertaken after completing Nahj
al- Balaghah, since he often refers to Nahj in Majazat
al-Athar al- Nabawiyyah. Sayyid Razi selected 361
sayings of the Prophet which have a metaphorical import, and
explained the meaning of each one of them. This book was
written before Talkhis al-Bayan and has been published
several times in Egypt, Iraq and Iran.
In his introduction to Nahjal-Balaghah SayyidRazi says:
In my youth, I resolved to write a book on the
distinguishing qualities of the Twelve Imams (a.s.), their
history, their exemplary way of life and their wise sayings.
I completed a book on the merits and qualities of Amir al-Mu'minin
Imam 'Ali (A.S.), but unfortunately, the countless
complexities of daily life and other obstacles prevented me
from continuing the work."
The poetical talents of Sayyid Razi blossomed while he was a
mere lad of 10 years, and the first qasidah (panegyric)
composed by him made the literati of Baghdad spellbound.
Since his days, efforts were made to collect his poems and
the last one to compile them as a book was Abu Hakim al-Mu'allim
'Abdullah al-Khayri (d. 476). The diwan of Sayyid Razi
consists of 16,300 verses and has been popular since his
The Buyid Wazir of Iran, Sahib ibn 'Abbad, who was a
prominent writer and bibliophile, was so deeply touched on
hearing a poem of Razi, that he sent an emissary to Baghdad
to procure a copy of the whole diwan. Interestingly, this
happened in 385 when Razi was only 26 years old, and he was
so pleased that he composed a qasidah in praise of Sahib ibn
'Abbad and sent it along with the diwan.
Another instance of Razi's popularity as a poet is the
incident in 399 when Taqiyyah, the daughter of the Hamdanid
Amir of Aleppo, Sayf al-Dawlah, sent a special messenger to
Baghdad to get a copy of his diwan. Although Razi's diwan is
a literary masterpiece containing valuable historical,
social, scientific and cultural information and has been
published several times, it is yet to be examined in an
academic manner in order to realise its proper worth.
The masterpiece of Sayyid Razi, not as a writer but as an aesthetic
literary compiler, is of course Nahj al-Balaghah, which has
ensured lasting fame for him. It is a selection of sermons
decrees, letters, maxims and counsels of Amir al-Mu'minin
Imam 'Ali ibn Abi Talib(a.s.).
Sayyid Razi in his introduction to Nahj al-Balaghah writes:
In my early age at the dawn of youth, I commenced writing a
book on the characteristics of the Infallible Imams (a.s.)
covering the account of their virtues and masterpieces of
their expression of words. The purpose of the compilation
has been stated by me in the beginning of the book. Therein
I completed the portion dealing with the account of Amir al-Mu'minin
(a.s.), but I could not finish that part concerning other
Imams due to the impediments of the time and obstacles of
the days. I divided it into several chapters and sections.
Thus its last section comprised whatever had been related
from Imam 'Ali (a.s.) out of his short sayings such as
counsels, maxims and proverbs but not long lectures and
detailed discourses.
A number of my friends and brothers-in-faith, while wondering at its
delicate and blossoming expressions, admired the contents of
this particular section, and urged me to complete a book
which should cover all the forms of the sayings of Amir al-
Mu'minin (a.s.) and their diverse forms such as lectures,
letters, counsels, aphorisms, etc.,
as they were convinced that it would comprise wonders of
eloquence and rhetoric, brilliant jewels of Arabic language
and shining expressions of faith, and this had not been
collected in any other work, nor found together in any other
book, because Amir al-Mu'minin (a.s.) was the fountain of
eloquence and (his expressions), the source of rhetoric.
Through him hidden delicacies of eloquence and rhetoric came
to light, and from him were learnt its principles and rules.
Razi on the compilation of Nahjul Balagah
A number of my friends and brothers-in-faith, while
wondering at its delicate and blossoming expressions,
admired the contents of this particular section, and urged
me to complete a book which should cover all the forms of
the sayings of Amir al- Mu'minin (a.s.) and their diverse
forms such as lectures, letters, counsels, aphorisms, etc.,
as they were convinced that it would comprise wonders of
eloquence and rhetoric, brilliant jewels of Arabic language
and shining expressions of faith, and this had not been
collected in any other work, nor found together in any other
book, because Amir al-Mu'minin (a.s.) was the fountain of
eloquence and (his expressions), the source of rhetoric.
Through him hidden delicacies of eloquence and rhetoric came
to light, and from him were learnt its principles and rules.
Every speaker and orator had to tread on Imam Ali (a.s.)’s
footprints and every eloquent preacher availed of his
sayings. Even then they could not equal him so that the
credit for being the First and foremost remains with him,
because his words are those that carry the reflection of
divine knowledge and savour of the Prophet's words.
acceded to their request as I knew that it meant a great
reward, a handsome reputation and a treasure of recompense.
The object of this compilation is that I should focus on
Amir al-Mu'minin's (a) greatness and superiority in the art
of rhetoric, which is in addition to his countless qualities
and innumerable distinctions, and to show that he was at the
highest pinnacle of this attainment, is singular among all
those predecessors whose sayings are quoted here and there.
His words are an onrushing and
irresistible and such a treasure of subtleties in
language that it cannot be matched.
In my view Amir al-Mu'minin's (a.s.) sayings may be divided
into three categories; firstly Sermons and Decrees, secondly
Letters and Communications, and thirdly Maxims and Counsels.
Allah- willing I have decided to compile first the Sermons,
then Letters, and then the Maxims and Counsels and have
chosen a separate section for each category, leaving blank
pages in between each so that if anything has been left out
and becomes available afterwards it may be inserted therein,
whereas any expression which is routine or in reply to some
question or has some other aim and does not fit in any of my
divisions should be included in the category for which it is
most suitable or to which its subject matter is most akin.
In this compilation of mine in some places there is
repetition of words or subject matter.
The explanation for this is that Amir al- Mu'minin's (a.s.)
wordings have been related in numerous forms. Sometimes it
happened that a particularly saying was found in a
particular form in a narration and was taken down in that
very form. Thereafter the same wordings were found in some
other narration either with acceptable addition or in a
better style of expression. In such a case with a view to
further the subject of compilation and to present a
beautiful expression from being lost it was decided to
repeat it.
It has also happened that a particular wording had appeared
earlier but due to remoteness it has been entered again.
This is through omission, not by intent.
In spite of all this I do not claim that I have collected
Amir al-Mu'minin's (a.s.) wordings from everywhere and that
no single sentence of any type or construction has been left
out. In fact I do not rule out the possibility that whatever
has been left out might be more than what has been collected
and what has been in my knowledge unused is far less than
what has remained beyond my reach.
My task was to strive to the best of my capacity and it was
Allah's part to make the way easy and guide me to the goal.
And, at the end of the book, Sayyid Razi concludes: This is
the end of our selection of the wordings of Amir al-
Mu'minin (A.S.), and now, it is time to conclude the
selected words of Amir al-Mu'minin (A.S.). We are grateful
to Allah the Glorified for having enabled us to collect the
scattered sayings and wordings from various sources and to
bring together from different places the material that was
laying far away...
This book has been completed in the
month of Rajab in the year 400 AH. May Allah send His
blessings on our Master Muhammad, the Last of Messengers and
the Guide to the best path, and on his infallible progeny,
and his companions who are the stars of conviction.