Laws of partnership
2150. If two persons make an agreement that they would trade with the goods jointly owned by them, and would divide the profit between themselves, and if they pronounce a formula declaring partnership, in Arabic or in any other language, or express their intention of becoming each other's partner by conduct, the partnership will be valid.
2151. If some persons enter into a partnership to share the wages from
their labor, like, if a few barbers or laborers agree mutually that they would
divide between themselves whatever wages they earn, that partnership is not
in order.
But if they enter into a mutual compromise that, say, half of what one earns
will be given to the other, for a fixed period, in exchange of half of what
the other earns, this transaction will be valid, and thus each will be a partner
in the wages of the other.
2152. If two persons enter into a partnership, on the terms that each
of them would purchase the commodity on his own responsibility, and each would
be responsible for the payment of its price, but would share the profit which
they earn from that commodity, that partnership is not valid.
However, if each of them makes the other his agent, authorizing that whatever
one purchases on credit, the other will be a partner in it, which means that
he and his partner are responsible for the debt, then they will be considered
partners in that commodity.
2153. The persons who become partners under the rules of partnership, must be adult and sane, and should have intention and free volition for becoming partners. They should also be able to exercise discretion over their properties. Hence, if a feeble-minded person who spends his wealth impudently, enters into partnership, it is not in order, because such a person has no right of disposal over his property.
2154. If a condition is laid down in an agreement of partnership, that the partner who manages, or does more work than the other partner, or does more important work than the other, will get larger share of the profit, it is necessary that he should be given his share as agreed upon. Similarly, if it is agreed that the person who does not manage, or does not do more work, or does not do more important work, will get larger share of the profit, that condition is also valid and it must be fulfilled.
2155. If it is agreed that the entire profit will be appropriated by one person, or the entire loss will be borne by one of them, that sort of partnership is a matter of Ishkal.
2156. If it is not agreed that one of the partners will receive more
profit, and if the investment of each of them is equal, they must share profit
and loss equally. And if their investment is not equal, they should divide the
profit and loss in proportion to their capital.
For example, if two persons become partners, and the capital of one of them
is double the capital of the other, his share in the profit and loss will also
be double of the other, irrespective of whether both of them do equal work,
or one of them does less work, or does not work at all.
2157. If it is laid down in the agreement of partnership, that both the partners will buy and sell together, or each of them will conclude transactions individually, or only one of them will conclude transactions, or a third party will be hired to conclude the transaction, they should act as agreed upon.
2158. If it is not specified as to which of the partners will buy and sell with the capital, neither of them can conclude any transactions with that capital without the permission of the other.
2159. The partner who has been given the right of discretion over the
capital, should act according to the agreement of partnership. For example,
if it is agreed that he will purchase on credit, or will sell against cash payment,
or will purchase the property from a particular place, he should act according
to the agreement.
However, if no such agreement is made with him, he should conclude transactions
in the usual manner, and carry on in such a way that no loss is suffered in
the partnership. He should not carry any property belonging to the partnership,
with him while he is traveling, if that is unusual.
2160. If a partner who transacts business with the capital of the partnership, sells and purchases things contrary to the agreement made with him, or concludes transactions in a manner which is not normal, because of the absence of any agreement, the transaction made by him in both the cases will be correct and valid; but if such a transaction results in a loss, or a part of wealth is squandered, then the partner who has acted against the agreement, or the usual norm, will be responsible for the loss.
2161. If a partner who trades with the capital of the partnership, does not go beyond the bounds of his authority, nor is he negligent in looking after the capital, yet unexpectedly the entire capital or a part of it perishes, he is not responsible.
2162. If a partner who trades with the capital of the partnership, declares that the capital has perished, and if other partners trust him, they should accept his word. But if they do not trust him, they can complain against him before the Mujtahid, who will decide the case according to Islamic laws.
2163. If all the partners withdraw the permission, given by them to one another, for the right of discretion over their respective shares held in partnership, none of them will be allowed the right of discretion over them. And if one of them withdraws the permission accorded by him, the other partners do not have the right of discretion; but one who has withdrawn his permission can exercise his right of discretion over the property of the partnership.
2164. If one of the partners demands that the capital invested in the partnership should be divided, others should accept his demand even if the period fixed for the partnership may not have expired yet, except when the division of the capital entails considerable loss to the partners.
2165. If one of the partners dies, or becomes insane, or unconscious, other partners cannot continue to exercise right of discretion over investment held in the partnership. And the same rule applies when one of them becomes feeble-minded that is, spends his property without any consideration.
2166. If a partner purchases a thing on credit for himself, its profit and loss belongs to him. However, if he purchases it for partnership, and if the agreement allows credit dealings, its profit and loss belongs to both of them.
2167. If the partners conclude a transaction with a joint capital investment,
and it transpires later that the partnership was invalid, if the validity of
the transaction was not dependent on mutual consent, meaning that, if they had
known that the partnership was not valid, they would have still been agreeable
to having the right of discretion over the property or stock of each other,
the transaction will be considered valid, and whatever is gained or lost from
the transaction will be shared by them.
But if the partners would not have been disposed to agree to exercise discretion
over each others' stock or property had they known that the partnership was
not valid, yet they approve the particular transaction, it will be valid - and
if they do not, it will be invalid.
And in either case, if any partner has worked for the partnership without the
previous intention to work gratis, he can collect the wages for his services
at the usual rate, considering the percentage of other partners. But if the
usual wage is more than his share of dividend, after having agreed to the validity
of the transaction, he should take the dividend only.