Congregational Prayers


 Qualification of an Imam of Congregational prayer

 Rules Congregational prayer

 Guidelines for Imam & the follower

 Things which are Makrroh in congregation prayer


 Method of offering Namaz-e-Ayaat

 Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha prayers



 Iddah of divorce (the waiting period after divorce)

 Iddah (waiting period) of a widow

 Irrevocable and revocable divorce

 Orders regarding return (Raju')

 Khula divorce or Talaqul Khula'

 Mubarat divorce

 Various rules regarding divorce


Rules related to a dying person


 Rules to follow after the death

 The obligation of Ghusl, Kafan, Namaf - Dafn

 The method of Ghusl of Mayyit

 Rules regarding Kafan

 Rules of Hunut

 Rules of Namaz-e-Mayyit

 Method of Namaz-e-Mayyit

 Mistahab acts fo Namaz-e-Mayyit

 Burial of the dead body




Things which invalidate prayers


 Things which are Makrooh in prayers

 Occasions when obligatory prayers can be broken

 Doubts in the prayers

 Doubts which make prayers void

 Doubts which may be ignored

 Doubts about an act where time of performance has passed

 Doubts after the Salam

 Doubts after the time of Namaz has passed

 One who doubts too much

 Doubts in Mustahab prayers

 Doubts Which are valid

 Method of offering Namaz-e-Ihtiyat

 Sajdatus Sahv (sajdah for forgotten acts)

 The method of offering sajdatus sahv

 Qadhu of the forgotten sajdah & Tashahhud

 Addition & Omission of the acts & condition of prayers




 Niyyat for fasting

 Things which a fast void

 Eating & drinking

 Sexual intercourse

 Istimna (masturbation)

 Ascribing lies to Allah & His Prophet

 Letting dust reach one's throat

 Immersing one's head in water

 Remaining in Janabah or Haidh or Nifas until fajr time



 Rules regarding things which invalidate a fast

 Things which are Makrooh while fasting

 Obligatory Qadha fast & Kaffarah

 Kaffarah for fast

 When it is obligatory to observe Qadha only

 Rules regarding Qadha fast 

 Fasting by a traveller

 People on whom fasting is not obligatory

 Method of ascertaining the first day of a month

 Haraam and Makraooh fasts

 Mustahab fasts

 Mustahab pracautions


Obligatory baths (Ghusl)


 Rules regarding janabat

 Forbidden acts for those in janabat

 Things which are makrooh for junub

 Ghusl for janabat

 Tartibi (sequential)

 Irtimasi (by submerging the whole body)

 Rules about Ghusl




 Profit from earning


 Treasure - Trove

 When halal property gets mixed up with haraam

 Gems obtained by sea diving

 Spoils of war

 Land purchased by a zimmi from a muslim

 Disposal of khums




 Marriage formula

 The method of pronouncing the marriage formula

 Conditions of pronouncing the Nikah

 Occasions when husband or wife can nullify Nikah

 Women with whom matrimony is Haraam

 Rules regarding permanent marriage

 Mu'tah (temporary marriage)

 Looking at non-Mahram

 Miscellaneous rules concerning marriage

 Rules regarding suckling a child

 Condition of suckling which causes to be Mahram

 How to breast feed a child

 Miscellaneous rules regarding nursing a child




 The sun

 Transformation (Istihala)

 Change (Inqilab)

 Transfer (Intiqal)


 Subjection (Taba'iyat)

 Removal of original najasat

 Confining (Istibra) of animal which feeds on najasat

 Disappearance of a Muslim

 Draining of the usual quantity of blood from slaughtered body of animal

Rules about Utensils



Rules of Namaz


 Obligatory Namaz

 Obligatory daily Namaz

 Time for Zuhr & Asr prayers


 Time for Maghrib & Isha prayers

 Time for Fajr prayers

 Rules regarding Namaz times

 The prayers which should be performed in sequence

 Mustahab prayers

 Daily nafilah prayers

 Ghufayla prayers

 Rules of Qibla

 Conversing the body in prayers

 Condition for dress worm during prayers

 Place where namaz should be prayed

 Mustahab places for offering prayers

 Places where offering prayers is Makrooh

 Rules regarding a mosque

 Adhan and Iqamah

 Obligatory acts relating to Namaz


 Takbiratul Ehram

 Qiyam (to stand)




 Things on which Sajdah is allowed

 The Mustahab & Makrooh things in Sajdah

 Obligatory Sajdahs in the Holy Quran


 Salam in the prayers

 Tartib (sequence)

 Muwalat (maintenance of succession)


 Traslation of prayers


Najis Things


 Urine & farces 


 Dead body


 Dogs & pigs


 Alcoholic liquor 

 Beer (Fuqi)

 Sweat of animal who persistently eats Najasat 

 Ways of proving Najasat

 How a pak things becomes Najis

 Rules regarding Najasat

Slaughtering & Hunting of animals


 Method of slaughtering animals

 Conditions of slaughtering animails

 Method of slaughtering a camel

 Mustahab acts while slaughtering animals

 Makrooh acts while slaughtering animals

 Hunting with weapons

 Hunting with a retriever (hunting dog)

 Hunting of fish and locust

 Rules of things allowed to eat & drink

 Eating Manners

 Acts which are unworthy to do while taking a meal

 Manners of drinking water



 Pure & Mixed water

 Kurr water

 Under - Kurr water

 Running water

 Rain water

 Well water

 Rules Regarding water

 Rules concerning use of lavatory


 Mustahab & Makrooh acts

Rules regarding will (wasiyyat)



 Inheritance of the first group

 Inheritance of the second group

 Inheritance of the third group

 Inheritance by the husband and  the wife

Miscellaneous rules of inheritance





 Rules regarding purchase & sale 

 Mustahab acts

 Makrooh transactions

 Haraam transactions

 Conditions of a seller & a buyer

 Commodity & what is obtained in exchange

 Formula of purchase & sale

 Purchase & sale of fruits

 Cash & Credit

 Conditions for contract by advance payment

 Laws regarding advance payment contract

 sale of gold & silver against gold & silver

 When one has a right to cancel a transaction

 Miscellaneous rules

 Laws of partnership

 Orders regarding compromise

 Rules regarding lease/rent

 Conditions regarding the property given on lease

 Utilization of the property given on lease

 Miscellaneous rules relating to lease/rent

 Rules regarding Ju'ala (payment of reward)

 Rules regarding Muzari'ah

 Rules regarding Musaqat & Mugharisa

 Rules of deposal or discretion over one's own property

 Rules regarding agency (wakalat)

 Rules regarding debt or loan

 Rules regarding Hawala (transferring the debts etc)

 Rules regarding mortgage (rahn)

 Rules regarding Surety (zamanat)

 Rules regarding personal guarantee for bail

 Rules regarding deposit or custody or trust

 Rules regarding borrowing lending (Ariyat)




 Things on which Tayammum is allowed 

 Method of performing Tayammum

 Orders regarding Tayammum

Vow & Convent


 Rules regarding Oth (Qasam)

 Rules regarding waqf



Kinds of blood seen by women


 Rules of istihaza


 Rules of the Haaez

 Types of women in Hayz

 Some further details about Haaez

 Women having the habits of time only

 Women having the habits of fixed duration

 Various rules related to Hayz




 Wudhu by immersion (Wudhu Irtimari)

 Recommended Supplications

 Condition for the validity of wudhu

 Rules regarding wudhu

 Things for which wudhu is obligatory

 Things which invalidate wudhu

 Jabira Wudha





 Zakat of wheat, barley, dates and raisins

 Minimum taxable limit of gold

 Taxable limit of silver

 Zakat payable on Camel, Cow & Sheep 

 Minimum taxable limit of camels

 Minimum taxable limit of cow

 Taxable limits of sheep (including goats)

 Zakat on business goods

 Disposal of zakat

 Qualifications of those entitled to receive zakat

 Intension of zakat

 Miscellaneous rules of zakat

 Zakat of fitrah

 Disposal of fitrah

 Miscellaneous matters regarding fitrah